
Treasure Valley Community College (威尼斯人娱乐城) is a Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Free institution and prohibits the unlawful possession, consumption, use, manufacture, or distribution of illicit drugs in the workplace, on campus, at any college sponsored or partnered activities, or any college owned, leased or rented properties (Unless approved by 威尼斯人娱乐城 Board of Education per Building and Facility Use Code KG.

Anyone under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances may be removed, dismissed or suspended from the college premises, functions, classes, activities, or responsibilities. Student policies regarding the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol are contained within the Student Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities document which outlines the process for infractions. 威尼斯人娱乐城 will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees (consistent with local, state, and federal law) as prescribed within applicable college policies which can include expulsion, termination of employment and a referral for prosecution of violations. 

Annually, current students and employees will be provided with this information and referral website.  Biennially, the College will conduct a report on the programs and the effectiveness of the programs.

Biennial Reports
2014-16 DAAPP Biennial Report 
2016-18 DAAPP Biennial Report
2018-20 DAAPP Biennial Report
威尼斯人娱乐城 is a Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Free Workplace

威尼斯人娱乐城 has a responsibility to establish a safe and productive work environment free of the influence of drugs, alcohol and tobacco for the benefit of its employees, students, and the public at large.  As a result, the College has implemented the Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace policy code GBEC. In addition, the college has adopted a Tobacco Free College policy code JBK/JFCG/KGC

Annual Commitment to Education and Training

威尼斯人娱乐城 is committed to providing relevant educational programs, resources and materials to students, staff, faculty and administration.

  1. All Students who participate in New Student Orientation, Residence Life Orientation, ASG Orientation, Athletic Orientation, and the annual campus fair will receive educational materials and campus policies regarding the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol.
  2. In addition to receiving education materials during orientation, Student athletes (including rodeo club) will participate annually in a drug and alcohol training program.
  3. In addition to receiving education materials during orientation, students living in the residence halls will annually receive educational materials and campus policies regarding the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol.
  4. The Human Resource department will annually provide educational materials to all employees about the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol.  In addition, Human Resources and the Student Leadership Team will work together to provide joint training programs for students and employees.
  5. The College acknowledges that receiving grants from federal agencies requires compliance with the Drug Free Wrokplace Act.  Furthermore, the college will ensure that it meets all applicable requirements as defined in the Drug Free workplace through the Human Resources Department and Office of Compliance.
Campus Policies for Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace, Code GBEC. 威尼斯人娱乐城 has responsibility for establishing a safe and productive work environment free of the influence of drugs and alcohol for the benefit of its employees, students, and the public at large. As a result the College has implemented a drug and alcohol free workplace policy. This policy applies to all current college employees while at the workplace. Certain positions (e.g. Bus Driver) may be subject to federal Department of Transportation rules and regulations.

Building and Facility Use, Code KG. 威尼斯人娱乐城 is a Drug and Alcohol Free institution and prohibits the unlawful possession, consumption, use, manufacture, or distribution of illicit drugs in the workplace, on campus, at any college sponsored or partnered activities, or any college owned, leased or rented properties, unless approved by the 威尼斯人娱乐城 board of Education.

Department of Athletics Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco, Code JFCHA. The Athletic Department has a firm commitment to the health and well-being of its student athletes. 威尼斯人娱乐城 believes that athletics is an avenue by which an individual can realize his or her potential and experience personal growth. In keeping with this belief, the Athletic Department believes student athletes should be role models for other students. In so doing, it is expected within this context that behavior of the highest level be demonstrated by the student athletes.

The College believes that the use of controlled substances, "performance enhancing" drugs, and alcohol constitutes a threat to the integrity of intercollegiate athletics, represents a danger to the health and careers of student athletes, and unduly exposes student athletes to exploitation. In addition, the use of controlled drugs is against the law. The Athletic Department has therefore adopted this policy and program for alcohol and drug education, prevention of alcohol and drug use, and appropriate intervention procedures for student athletes. 

The Athletic Department, its coaching staff, physicians, athletic trainer, and members of the college community strongly believe that the use of tobacco, illegal drugs, alcohol and misuse of prescription drugs are detrimental to the physical and mental well-being of its student athletes. Therefore, the Athletic Department has implemented a mandatory program of education and counseling/rehabilitation efforts, as well as conducting random and reasonable suspicion alcohol and drug testing, to protect the health and safety of the students associated with 威尼斯人娱乐城.

Substance Abuse Code, JFCH. The College is dedicated to maintaining standards resulting in quality education meeting the needs of students and the community. Recognizing the harmful effect of substance abuse on students, the College has established rules prohibiting the on-campus use of alcohol and other mind-altering drugs. For more information see Student Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities.

Tobacco-Free College, Code JBK/JFCG/KGC. 威尼斯人娱乐城 is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its employees, students and visitors. All college locations, campus owned facilities, including extension centers, college leased or rented buildings or properties, are tobacco free as of September 1, 2016.

Health Risks of Drugs and Alcohol
威尼斯人娱乐城 is interested in the health of the students and employees of the College. Drug and alcohol abuse is dangerous to your health, the effects are well documented.  A detailed account of health risks of drugs can be found by clicking on the DEA's substances Drug Fact Sheet found at the US Drug Enforcement Administration. Using drugs can lead to abuse, addition, serious health problems, and even death. Alcohol and drug use are not only hazardous to ones health but it is hazardous to a 威尼斯人娱乐城's students status.
How Drug-Related Convictions Affect Student Loans (FAFSA Facts)
If a student is convicted of a drug-related felony or misdemeanor during the time that he/she is receiving Federal student aid, they will become ineligible to receive further aid for a period of time upon conviction.


Offense                    Possession of Illegal Drugs Sale of Illegal Drugs
First 1 year of ineligibility from date of conviction 2 years of ineligibility from date of conviction
Second 2 years of ineligibility from date of conviction         Indefinite period of ineligibility
Third Indefinite period of ineligibility Indefinite period of ineligibility


Criminal Penalties of Drugs and Alcohol
While the college has policies that prohibits the unlawful possession, consumption, use, manufacture, or distribution of illicit drugs in the workplace, on campus, or at any college sponsored or partnered activities, there are additional penalties under local, state and federal laws. The College, through the office of Student Conduct, may notify local police, state police, State Alcohol Control Board investigators, federal investigators, or any applicable law enforcement agency or governing agency to report a violation of the law. The college reserves the right to work collaboratively with the police on investigations on campus (or campus owned property lease, rented, etc) preventative measures and education and routine monitoring of suspicious activity with Residence Life department on on campus.
A list of Oregon criminal penalties for the possession, production, sale, dispensing and distribution of illegal drugs are available at www.oregon.gov and www.oregonlaws.org/ors/chapter/475.

Federal Penalties for the possession, production, sale, dispensing and distribution of illegal drugs are available at www.dea.gov and www.justice.gov.

Drug convictions no longer affect your federal student aid eligibility. Your eligibility won’t be suspended even if the offense occurred while you were receiving federal student aid (grants, loans, or work-study funds). For more information on Eligibility for Students with Criminal Convictions, click here.

威尼斯人娱乐城 is an institution that receives federal funding through Title IV and is required to follow federal laws and statutes.  In November, 2014, Oregon voters passed Measure 91, a ballot initiative to legalize marijuana to persons 21 years of age and older. The law went into effect on July 1, 2015 and is regulated by the Oregon Health Authority. Marijuana possession remains a federal offense and 威尼斯人娱乐城 policy prohibits the possession, consumption, use dispensing, manufacture, and distribution of marijuana. Measure 91 also does not affect existing employment law.

Information and Referral Services

威尼斯人娱乐城 recognizes the importance of health and wellness of students and employees. To support our students and comply with the Federal Drug Free Communities Act, 威尼斯人娱乐城 is dedicated to a campus that educates, trains and informs students of the harmful effects. Furthermore, the college is committed to assisting students and employees with services that can assist with addiction or counseling.

The office of Student Conduct, Residence Life, Human Resources and Disability Services will serve as points of contact for students or employees who request help with addiction or abuse. The college may recommend that students or employees attend drug and alcohol courses as part of the student conduct process or employment at the college. The following are the referral services available to students and employees of the college.

Lifeways provides comprehensive mental health services. Lifeways can assist with mental health problems, from mild depression or anxiety problems to the most severe disorders. Lifeways provides individual, couples, family and group therapy for adults, elderly people and children.

702 Sunset Drive
Ontario, OR 97914
(541) 889-9167
Unio Recovery Center has the privilege of providing medical services through an RN and detoxification services which are provided at no extra cost for individuals who enter the program.  However, the cost for medication (if necessary) is not included. Individuals do not need to have to be clean at the time to enter the program.
Unio Recover Center - Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center
686 NW 9th Street
Ontario, OR 97914
(541) 889-2490
Alcoholics Anonymous: 1 (800) 627-9103
Oregon Drug & Alcohol Information Center: 1 (800) 452-7032 Ext. 33673
威尼斯人娱乐城 CARE Team and Biennial Review

In coordination with the Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team, the Compliance and Training Coordinator (or designee) will conduct the biennial review.  The CARE team will make recommendations to improve the drug and alcohol program and annual notification systems.  In addition, the CARE Team will ensure that disciplinary action is consistently enforced on campus throug the office of Student Conduct and Human Resources.

Federal and State Laws Set Severe Penalties

Schedule II Class C Felony

Methadone, morphine, amphetamine, cocaine, PCP

  • 5 years
  • $100,000

Schedule III Class A Misdemeanor

Non-amphetamine stimulants, some depressants

  • 1 year
  • $2,500

Schedule IV Class C Misdemeanor

Valium-type tranquilizers, some less potent depressants

  • 30 days
  • $500

Schedule V-Violation

Dilute mixtures, compounds with small amounts of controlled drugs

  • none
  • $1,000
Delivery of less than 5 grams or possession of less than one ounce of marijuana is a violation. HB 2479 established mandatory evaluation, education and treatment services for those under 18 years old. If services are successfully completed, the charge will be dropped.

Oregon has strong new laws allowing cars, boats, etc., that transport illegal drugs to be seized and forfeited.

ALCOHOL is an illegal drug for those under 21 years of age. For drivers under 18, ANY detectable amount of alcohol (above .00/BAC) is grounds for losing their license until they are 18.

There are many more laws pertaining to alcohol and other drugs. This is a sample to demonstrate that most drugs are ILLEGAL, and a criminal conviction may bar a student from their chosen career path, or an employee from successful employment with the College.

The use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol can create a variety of health risks as well as impair your ability to succeed at the College and in your chosen career. You should be aware of these possible health risks:

Marijuana is addictive and can cause:
  • Impaired short-term memory, visual tracking, heart rate
  • Slowed reaction time/poor coordination
  • Lung disease/damage to reproductive functions
Cocaine, Crack, and Crank are highly addictive and may cause impaired judgement, short attention span, irritability, depression, mood swings, malnutrition, severe weight loss and liver damage, seizures, coma
  • Seizure and heart attack
PCP, LSD, Heroin, Methamphetamines, and Morphine have a wide variety of negative health effects which may include hallucinations, mental confusion, and/or permanent loss of mental function, addiction, convulsions, coma, or death
Prescription Drugs are too often used to reduce stress, and are not safe unless they are taken as prescribed. If abused, they can lead to: malnutrition, sluggishness, or hyperactivity impaired reflexes addiction and brain damage, coma, or death
Alcohol:  alcohol poisoning, loss of concentration, poor judgment and coordination, impaired memory, drowsiness and mood swings, liver damage/cirrhosis of the liver, high blood pressure and heart attack, pancreatitis, various cancers, health disease, death (in large, sudden doses)
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